Posted on: October 14, 2012 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0


NRG-X Labs has continually created supplements that are heads and shoulders above similar efforts by other companies. It is not surprising to see that their whey protein – Sublime Whey – is another strong addition to anyone’s supplementation. The Sublime Whey is dosed out in 33 gram scoops (two-thirds of that is protein), and only contains 122 calories (18 from fat).  I believe that the presence of 2 grams of dietary fiber (10% RDA) is an essential addition. By providing this additional fiber, NRG-X Labs has ensured a greater overall health for anyone that supplements with this effort.

The solid dose of amino acids (22,000 mg) staves off catabolization of muscle, along with decreasing the amount of recovery time that an individual will need between their workouts. The dosing of amino acids is smart, as other proteins do not typically contain enough of an amino acid profile to have any significant effect. For those that have a gluten sensitivity, Sublime Whey strays away from the substance; it will not negatively impact those with Celiac disease.

NRG-X Labs has raised the bar on flavoring with their Talon 3.0 flavoring system; the Chocolate-Chip Mint flavor is able to recreate the aforementioned flavors without possessing the artificial flavor that mars many proteins. Furthermore, the quality of the whey used by NRG-X Labs boosts its miscibility nicely. One will be able to get a smooth and consistent shake every time they supplement with Sublime Whey, and will not have to suffer through grainy dregs.

Give the NRG-X Labs website some love, and see exactly what else they make that can be adopted to your specific workout needs. They have products for fans of casual exercise and hardcore workouts alike.

Rating: 8.6/10

NRG-X Labs Sublime Whey / Protein /

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