Wok Oil is an integral ingredient for a number of dishes throughout Asian cuisine, and the type of wok oil that is utilized has much to do with how the dish ultimately turns out. In many American grocery stores, there simply are not many wok oils with which one can choose. La Tourangelle has created their Thai Wok Oil, and look to change what chefs and consumers expect in terms of quality and nuance for their wok oils. La Tourangelle utilizes expeller-pressed safflower oil as a base and includes lemongrass and Thai basil to provide further nuance to the wok oil. The safflower oil is perfect for high-heat cooking and will allow for incredible ease in frying. We were a fan of frying rice, vegetables, eggs, and various meats (chicken, pork, steak) in the Thai Wok Oil. The oil does not bog down or make greasy anything that is fried in it, while imparting a delectable burst of flavor with each subsequent bite. The bottle of Thai Wok Oil can be utilized for a large number of dishes, and is priced competitively with other similar oils that are on the market.
Priced at $6.49, the distinct and frankly unique flavor of the Thai Wok Oil is something to be experienced. Make sure to visit the La Tourangelle website for more information about their product line and to locate locations that sell La Tourangelle oils around you. Let us know what you think about La Tourangelle Thai Wok Oil.
Rating: 8.6/10
La Tourangelle Thai Wok Oil Review
Thai Wok Oil / La Tourangelle Artisan Oils / http://latourangelle.com / http://latourangelle.com/index.php/thai-wok-oil.html