Saison-Brett 2014 is one of the most interesting and unique efforts that we have had the chance to review at NeuFutur. While it seems like a large subset of breweries are coming out with a saison or a farmhouse ale style for spring, Boulevard’s Saison-Brett is miles more complex and intricate of an experience. 2014’s Saison-Brett pours with a long-lasting white head and a hazy yellow-bronze color, yielding grassy, floral, and citrus hints in its’ nose.
Boulevard’s Saison-Brett links together grain, apples, grapes, and hides its 8.5% ABV nicely – the beer goes down incredibly easily. This is the sort of beer that is thirst-quenching while having a heady and dense set of flavors that continually shift and change. The beer maintains this compelling nature from beginning to end, representing an effort that can begin and end an amazing night in a single bottle.
The beer has a decent amount of hoppiness (Amarillo hops are utilized here) that is provided with a nice dollop of brettanomyces. The Saison-Brett has a prefect moderation of the hop and more sour / funky notes, ensuring that the beer has an eminently drinkable quality. Make sure to purchase a few bottles of the Saison-Brett 2014; drink one today a cellar another to see how the overall constellation of flavors changes after a few months. Visit the Boulevard website for more information about the brew and the brewery’s other offerings, both on the year-round and seasonal calendars.
Rating: 9.5/10
Saison-Brett 2014 Review / Boulevard Brewing / Smokestack Series Limited Release / 8.50% / 38 IBU /
[…] Boulevard efforts in the past – an early review in beer section discussed their Pilsner, their Saison-Brett was one of the best beers of 2014, while their Unfiltered Wheat Beer was a nicely-balanced […]