Posted on: July 24, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Petrus Oud Bruin pours with a dark brown to ruby red color and a good amount of light tan head. The overall nose of the Oud Bruin will provide individuals with a slightly oaky and lightly tart nose, before yielding to an initial sip that has a small amount of tart, wheat, and black cherry, dark fruit, and malt all present.


Not overly sour but possessing notes of Bretty yeast and enough in the way of sweetness to add further depth the beer. The Petrus Oud Bruin laces its way down the glass to demarcate the progression into the later registers of the beer. This effort works perfectly when paired with beef, lamb, chili, Mexican and Indian fare, and any other cuisine that has bold elements.

As the beer continues to warm, the overall mouthfeel of the Oud Bruin changes as it is allowed to make its way to room temperature. This means that spicier and tarter tastes make their way to the front, while the more sugary and malt notes fade into the periphery. This scintillating aspect means that individuals will be able to drink a few Oud Bruins without shocking their taste buds; this is a complex effort that will yield different experiences each time that one opens a bottle. This is eminently drinkable and provides enough of a hook for fans of bocks, porters, and pale ales; the Oud Bruin style may not be common in the United States, but the successes of this brew may be enough to increase interest.

For a wide variety of the different sour efforts that Petrus produces, look into purchasing the Sour Power Pack. The four beers present present imbibers with a good introduction into “sour beers” while showcasing the nuanced styles that exist in the format. We reviewed the Petrus Aged Pale a few weeks ago.

Rating: 9.1/10

Petrus Oud Bruin / 5.5% ABV / /

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