There are few chips to actually have a bounty of flavors without being greasy, fatty, or otherwise off-putting. Southern California company Rusty’s Chips has found the sweet spot of flavor and crunch and in doing so, has created the best chips we’ve ever eaten. The unique flavor of Rusty’s Chips comes in the cooking process; instead of washing the excess starch off of the potato slices before boiling, Rusty leaves it on. This means that there is a bit more rigidity to Rusty’s Chips than other products on the market, creating something that is as firm as a kettle-cooked offering but without the bitterness that kettle chips can fall prey.
Rusty’s Chips come in three varieties – the original potato chip and two types of “Surf City Strips”, in sea salt and chili lime flavors. The salt is present but is not overly assertive; there is just enough pizzazz here for an individual to want to polish off a bag without being too overwhelmed by the saltiness. Of Rusty’s flavors, we were the biggest fans of the Chili-lime varietal. The smokiness and tang of the chili is matched perfectly with the tartness and citrus elements brought to the chip by the inclusion of the lime. We were able to evaluate one chip run of Rusty’s, but the company discusses flavor variations in the winter months. Make it a point to purchase a box during winter and one during summer for the full array of tastes that can be experienced in a bag of Rusty’s
The thickness of each type of Rusty’s chips makes it easy to take up vegetable dip, salsa, or sriracha. Visit Rusty’s Chips website for a bit of biographical information about the creator, purchase boxes of the chips, and for the latest from the potato chip visionary himself.
Rating: 9.0/10
Rusty’s Chips / https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rustys-Chips/355219799914 / http://www.rustyschips.com/