Citrus and grapefruit elements can oftentimes be experience in an India Pale Ale (IPA). However, Magic Hat has created in Electric Peel a beer that is unmistakably grapefruit-heavy. The beer pours with a dark yellow to gold coloration and a hazy white head that laces its way down a glass. The nose of Electric Peel is equal parts wheat and grapefruit, while the first sip an imbiber takes comes forth with a smooth blending of grain, wheat, malt, and a final one-two of hop and grapefruit elements. The 65 IBUs and 6.0% ABV of Electric Peel are hidden masterfully by Magic Hat, yielding a beer that is sublimely refreshing while possessing enough oomph to stave off the autumn chill.
Magic Hat’s Electric Peel is dangerous as all of its rough edges are smoothed out to create something that is decidedly drinkable. For fans of hop bombs, the Electric Peel may not be assertive enough. I feel that for those looking to enter into hoppier IPAs that the Electric Peel would be a great choice; for those individuals that are looking for a more juicy or fruity pale ale, the Electric Peel would be a similarly smart pick-up. The ability of Magic Hat to create a beer that has so many bold flavor components present without seeming cluttered or otherwise off-putting is testament to the beer’s overall quality.
We reviewed Magic Hat’s G-Thing in early 2014 and were pleased with the offering. Visit their website for the full listing of product offerings (year-round and seasonal), while a visit to the brewery’s social media accounts will keep viewers up to date with new product offerings and events held throughout the United States.
Electric Peel / Grapefruit IPA / 6.0% ABV / 65 IBUs / Magic Hat Brewing Company / https://www.facebook.com/magichatbrewing / http://www.magichat.net/ / https://twitter.com/magichat /