Posted on: September 28, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 2

Left Hand Brewing Company (Longmont, Colorado) has released their latest seasonal, Oktoberfest. The beer is a marzen with a dark yellow / light mahogany coloration. There is a decent tannish to brown head that laces its way down the glass, with has good amounts of sweet and malt elements. The 6.6% ABV of Left Hand’s Oktoberfest calms down the sweeter elements of the beer; instead of taking on a more prune-heavy taste, there is a certain crispness that is built up with the inclusion of biscuit and toasty elements from the malts.


Just enough bitterness is placed here to refresh an individual’s palette for each sip, making for the perfect fall beer. The warming elements of this Oktoberfest will do much to stave off the slightly colder nights of September and October, while pairing nicely with heavy soups, roasts, beef, and lamb dishes.

The beer continues to open, yielding a wholly different array of flavors than were present in the initial moments after a bottle was opened. Sweeter elements (caramel, brown sugar) become dominant, finished up with a bread and yeast that keep imbibers interested until they complete their beer. Left Hand’s Oktoberfest is a beer that avoids the numerous pitfalls that other Oktoberfest / marzen efforts typically fall into while providing enough twists and turns to this brew that fans of a wide array of styles can find something to appreciate deep within this copper effort.

Additional information about Left Hand’s year-round and seasonal beers can be found on their domain. For the latest in information about events held by Left Hand as well as further new product announcements, the brewery’s Facebook and Twitters are without comparison. Purchase Oktoberfest from your local beer store for a limited time and keep an eye out for other LH offerings.

Rating: 8.6/10

Oktoberfest / Left Hand Brewing Company / 6.6% ABV / / / /


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