Aspen Brewing (Aspen, CO) and Casey Brewing and Blending ( Glenwood Springs, CO) have collaborated on an extremely-limited Biére de Garde. This effort pours with a hazy brownish color and a small amount of head that lays upon the top of the beer. The Biére de Garde’s nose is fairly funky, with prune and citrus elements present. On the initial sip, imbibers will experience vanilla, brown sugar, and fruity elements that are paired with biscuit malt tastes. The beer possesses just a hint of alcohol burn at the conclusion of each pull. Subsequent drinks will uncover sour, earth, wheat, orange and raisin flavors. Oak peeks through at points, creating something that is incredibly deep while providing a confident tone.

Aspen and Casey’s Biére de Garde has more personality than a number of in-style efforts that we have experienced; the medium mouthfeel of the beer makes this into something that can be likened to an apple cider. There is enough dryness and tartness interspersed throughout to make this something that would be perfect for any chilly autumn night. This collaboration would work perfectly with sharp cheeses, roasts, dried meats or dark chocolates. Individuals lucky enough to round up a bottle of Biére de Garde would do well to craft a get-together around tasting the beer in honor of the traditional family/farmhouse origins of the style.
For more information about the array of year-round and seasonal offerings that Aspen releases, visit their website. Casey Brewing and Blending’s social media is a stellar look into their production process. The latest in new products and events can be located at the Aspen Brewing Facebook and Twitter. We were able to take a deeper look into Aspen’s 10th Mountain Stout last month and were similarly impressed.
Rating: 9.0/10
Biére de Garde / Aspen Brewing Company x Casey Brewing and Blending / 7.0% ABV / http://aspenbrewingcompany.com/ / http://www.facebook.com/AspenBrewingCompany / http://twitter.com/AspenBrewingCo /