Posted on: December 19, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 1
My TUrn Todd

The My Turn series by Lakefront Brewery is an institution at this point; employees of the brewery get the chance to do a one-off effort in a style that the brewery does not create. Todd (quality manager at Lakefront) suggested that a Belgian-style quadrupel be made, and we were lucky enough to receive a bottle.My Turn Todd

My Turn: Todd pours with a dark brown coloration with a small amount of tannish head that sits on top of the beer. The alcohol content of the effort (a whopping 10.5% ABV) is hidden well amongst myriad flavors. Hints of malt, bubble gum, dark fruits like prunes and plums, and spices all are weaved into a symphony. Woody and leathery elements come into focus at points during My Turn: Todd, further bolstered by the velvety mouthfeel and considerable malt backbone of this quadruple. The assertive flavors would do well sipped or matched with cuisine that has a distinctive flavor (Indian, Thai); roasts, BBQ, and stew would match this brew well. The united effort that these flavors provide in My Turn: Todd is a consistent element that is threaded through each 12-ounce bottle. Rather than breaking down into sweeter or more muddled flavors, this quadruple is able to be as alluring and deep at the final quaffs as it was when one first opened a bottle.

We were fortunate enough to review Lakefront’s Wisconsinite in early 2013 . For a full rundown of the year-round and seasonal offerings that Lakefront releases, take a journey to their main domain. Social media profiles are the best place to find news about new products and events from this Milwaukee institution. Keep an eye out for further releases in the My Turn Series.

Rating: 9.5/10

My Turn Series #016: Todd / Belgian-Style Quadrupel / Lakefront Brewery / 10.5% ABV / / / /


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