Posted on: February 26, 2016 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

One of the most difficult tasks that a parent has to do with a young child has to be the aspiration of their nose. The child or infant does not have the ability to go and blow their nose so a parent has to go and use one of many different sorts of devices to manually extricate material from the nose. The aspirator that we received from the Baby Comfy Care company is one that goes and decreases the difficulty of this process without increasing the grossness that may be present during the activity. The device is created with BPA and Phthalate-free materials, removing a considerable cause of concern for parents. The device can be put through the dishwasher to ensure that every nook and cranny is completely cleaned before being put back into service.Baby ComfyNose

The aspirator comes with standard and newborn size, and goes and creates suction without hurting a child. This device utilizes tubing that will even be appreciated by the youngest individuals as there is a tendency for some of the bulb aspirators to be a slightly larger gauge then a child’s nose. By utilizing a tissue, the device is able to remove detritus without gunking up the product. This device is cute, it works and when accompanied by a saline wash or similar aging product will be perfectly suited to any family that is looking to provide the greatest sort of care for their children. The Baby ComfyNose, a nasal aspirator by Baby Comfy Care can be located at Babies R Us and Walgreens and should be a must-purchase for anyone looking the make their child breathe clearly. Further information about the device and the rest of the Baby Comfy Care products is available at the company’s website or at their social media profiles.

Rating: 8.0/10

Baby ComfyNose (Nasal Aspirator) / Baby Comfy Care / $14.00 / / / /

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