Posted on: April 10, 2016 Posted by: Tom D Comments: 0

There are many things to think about before kids go back to school – and a lot of kit to buy. In days gone by, children had to adhere rigidly to a school uniform and no exceptions were made. It was difficult for a child to assert their individuality and any deviation from the rules usually meant a stint in detention. These days, life is very different, and although many schools do operate a uniform policy, achieving a stylish look is a lot easier.


Peer approval is very important for modern kids. If they do not dress right, they will not fit in with their peers. Kids who stick out like a sore thumb often end up being socially excluded or even bullied. Growing up is hard enough with being bullied and persecuted, so although wearing the right clothes will not prevent this from happening, it sure makes a difference.

The Latest Fashions

Most kids are very aware of what the latest fashions are. They see what their favorite celebrities are wearing and they follow the news online.This might include skirts that are too short or garments that are too low-cut (for girls). Apart from that, it is a good idea to try to adhere to the current trends – as every other kid in school will be.

School Shoes

Your child will need school shoes. Obviously, they will want to wear a trendy type of shoe, but comfort is more importantthan fashion, so remind them of this. Many kids have to walk long distances to catch the school bus, whatever the weather. Fashion shoes look great, but they don’t feel great if your feet are covered in blisters or soaking wet.

A Suitable Coat

Depending on whereabouts you live, the weather might be cold and wet sometimes, so a good quality jacket is essential. Look for garments that are waterproof and warm, preferably with plenty of pockets. Boys will be happy with a casual jacket, but girls might prefer a long coat.

Casual Separates

Mix and match separates for school. For girls, casual tee shirts can be interchanged with jeans and skirts. Dresses are also a good buy, especially in the summer months. Boys can wear long-sleeve tees and loose shirts. The trick is to have a variety of garments that can be mixed and matched. Think ‘capsule wardrobe’ and you will get the idea.

Shopping Online for Bargains

If money is tight, you don’t need to spend a fortune on your child’s back-to-school wardrobe.

Back to school shopping for clothes can be stressful, but never buy clothes without consulting with your child or they might not wear them.

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