Today, we are speaking with KFM beats. Can you give us a little background information about yourself?
My name is Jordan Newman and i run a music production business working with artists all over the world. My music reaches many different countries but I but hail from Bristol, UK. I have been writing music for around 9 years but for the last 3 have been focusing on building the brand KFM beats.
At kfmbeats.com we provide a music production and remix service catering to many genres of urban music (hiphop, R&B, Grime e.t.c)
Which artists are the greatest influences for you and your music?
Almost every time I write a track I will take influence from the great producers like Kanye and Dre. I think of my self as a student in Hiphop so I will always be studying these producers and recreating techniques I’ve heard then using them in my own way. You could also say artists like 50cent and The game have influenced my music because I will always be working towards an overall sound I have probably heard in a Game track.
How has your style evolved and changed over the time since you first started composing?
Needless to say my style has changed a lot since the beginning. When you start out I think you always experiment in different genres and theres always the fact you don’t really know what your doing. I started out experimenting in different styles and using a lot of samples, these days I work more from scratch and try to build my own sounds.
Can you describe your creative process to us? How does a song go from an initial germ of an idea to a full composition?
To be honest my initial ideas can come from anywhere, I might hear something on the radio and think oh yeah I know how to do that and il make a note in my phone to write something using that specific technique or sound. I always try to write the most powerful part of the track first, what I mean is I will write the hook and then use all the other rhythms and parts to emphasise that melody.
To get into a bit of the technical, what does your recording set up look like (what do you use to record, what are your favorite instruments)?
I really use a basic set up, I work with a fairly old Mac, Adam monitors and a Focusrite interface. As well as these I use Maschine to sequence all my music, I really like Maschines’ sampler type layout and I find it really quick to get beats together. When I’m done sequencing a track I will use Logic to mix and master, the mixing tools in Maschine aren’t great so I always export to Logic afterwards and go from there. On the rare occasion I do use samples I have a Numark turntable hooked up to Maschine works great.
Listeners make much to do about the quality of online music (128 v 320, FLAC v streaming). What thought have you put into the different ways in which listeners can experience your compositions?
I really try to make my music as accessible as possible, from a business point of view this is crucial to reach as many ears as possible. Specifically though I focus on Soundcloud and Youtube as I think these are the most popular and most accessible with smart phones and things like that. Apart from this though as a producer I try to put my beats in the hands of as many (worthy) artists as possible, this way the brand gets maximum exposure.
Which sort of social media website have you had the best successes with? What about these traditionally online services are different from the traditional face to face meeting that musicians utilize?
Things have changed massively and I think these days its far more important to have your social media game strong. The face to face thing is dying and almost everybody uses social media, even potential customers that aren’t actually sociable. Soundcloud in particular is the one I have had the best success with, I have been using it before it became super popular and I have had good success on the different accounts I have used. Feel free to browse my KFM beats page.
What are your plans for 2016 and beyond?
2016 is the year for expansion, We are launching a new website in April making it easy for beat customers to purchase KFM beats. We will also be focusing on working with a wider range of artists and adding to our portfolio. We will also be releasing more projects with Mxlcxlm Z, Don P and Tray Kapone.
How can interested NeuFutur readers locate samples of your music?
My music can be found on all the usual social platforms. You can search KFM BEATS on Facebook or use @kfmbeats on Twitter. You can also head over to www.soundcloud.com/kfmbeats and youtube.com/kfmbeats uk to hear all our latest beats and collaborations. Also be on the lookout for the “After Party” album by Mxlcxlm z produced by KFM beats. We have also made tracks for the “smokers odyssey” album by Don P and we have tracks on the new @traykapone album.
Finally, do you have any additional thoughts about life and the universe for our readers?
LIFE IS GOOD, I have too many thoughts on life and the universe. Just be on the lookout for the above mentioned collaborations and head over to kfmbeats.com to keep up to date with all things KUNG-FU MUSIC. Stay in school and don’t do drugs, unless they’re free.