Without ReGarde was Good Nature’s 4th Anniversary Ale, and is a brew that is as large and magnificent as the celebration indicates. The beer pours with a orange-brown coloration and a small amount of light brown head that laces down the glass. One is immediately presented with a good amount of bitterness owing to the hop presence; the brewery uses a bit over two pounds of hops during the dry hopping process that gives Without ReGarde its sharpness. Good Nature is able to jazz up this Biere de Garde with a bit of Lactobacillus through a kettle souring process.
What ultimately results with Without ReGarde is a mouthfeel that variously comes through as piney, floral, musty, and even barnyard-y. Fruit fans will be able to pull out bits of pineapple, apricot, and white grape. Hints of wheat and malt contribute to the deep flavor profile of this effort.
The bridging of the pale ale and sour styles will be appreciated by fans of each type; every sip that one takes of Without ReGarde will be unique. It is this dynamic that makes it quite easy to finish a 22 ounce bottle on one’s own. The spontaneity of Without ReGarde addresses the issue that is present with a great many efforts we receive here. This is a symphony rather than a single note or solo.
For more information about Without ReGarde and the rest of the offerings (year-round and seasonal) that Good Nature creates, check out their main domain. A jaunt over to their social media (Facebook and Twitter) is essential if you would like to find out a release schedule or other relevant events. We’ve tackled another stellar GN effort – ACT 1: Bourbon Coffee Porter – in the fall of last year.
Rating: 9.0/10
Without ReGarde (Dry Hopped Sour Ale) / 6.2% ABV // / http://www.goodnaturebrewing.com / https://www.facebook.com/GoodNatureBrewing / https://twitter.com/GoodNatureBeer