Posted on: October 2, 2017 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Saison Au Genièvre, Left Hand Brewing’s current seasonal offering, is a smooth-drinking effort that possesses a tremendous amount of flavors. The beer pours with a yellow to gold coloration with a decent amount of fluffy white head that rapidly dissipates. There is little in the way of lacing here; the initial nose of Saison Au Genièvre has a good amount of yeast and a bit of booziness. The first time that one delves into the beer they will be greeted with hints of pears and apples and a bit of crackers. The sweetness does marvelously in keeping away the considerable dryness that is a part of the saison style. I feel that Left Hand’s latest saison is a tremendous shake up to a somewhat stale style.

The overall pepperiness of most saisons is muted here. Left Hand has added a bit of floral components to this seasonal, ensuring that one will continually get different twists and turns with each subsequent sip; learn more by reading this complete guide. The hints of hay and grass are present, but the juniper berries act as a middle ground between the farmhouse style and more fruited/fruit-forward beers. Left Hand’s decision to keep this at a somewhat-higher ABV than many saisons keeps the flavor profile consistent from one’s initial sip until the final quaff from each 16-ounce can.

We previously reviewed Left Hand’s Oktoberfest a few years back. Check out the Left Hand website for additional information about the brewery’s year-round and seasonal efforts. Saison Au Genièvre is available throughout Left Hand’s distribution network through the fall season.

Rating: 8.8/10

Saison Au Genièvre (Left Hand) / 6.8% ABV / / / /

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