Posted on: January 14, 2012 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Nature is one of the longest running shows on television, and the different topics that it covers are always interesting. I personally like the diffuse ways that filmmakers make their films germane to a larger audience. In Nature: My Life As A Turkey, Joe Hutto takes the role of a turkey parent. After finding turkey eggs, ey is able to become a surrogate mother. Ey has to show these turkeys the way of the world, and prepare them for an environment that is at times dangerous. The translation barrier seemed to me before watching My Life As A Turkey to be utterly impermeable, but the amount of time that Hutto spends with eir new family proves the old idiom that love conquers all. By the end of this film, viewers will know considerably more about turkeys than most.

The lush woodland scenery that is present in My Life As A Turkey will make viewers pine for a more rustic existence, or just for an end to the snow (if they are covered with the white stuff). The Blu-Ray format of this program makes for a crisp viewing experience, while the audio in this disc perfectly replicates life in the woods.

While there is a $25 MSRP on this Blu-Ray, a quick perusal around different online retailers will nearly halve the price that one will need to play. I contend that, even if an individual has to pay the full price for this release, that the humor contained within bolsters the replay value considerably. Check Nature: My Life As A Turkey out today, and for those that wish to further their Hutto familiarity, pick up eir book Illumination in the Flatwoods.

Rating: 9.0/10

Nature: My Life As A Turkey (Blu-Ray) / 2012 PBS Home Video / 60 Minutes /

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