We are speaking with Jason Griggs this morning.
Hello, Jason. How has your week been?
It has been a great week both personally and professionally. My oldest daughter went to her senior prom and my company MaxOut Strength Studios began working with the U.S. Military to help provide a training solution for their elite forces – both very exciting!
Can you give us a little information about yourself?
I am a husband, father of three and, for most of my professional career, I worked and made investments in real estate; commercial, residential, college housing and land. I have a strong desire to help other people find within themselves the ability to achieve their dreams. When you see a young person overcome an obstacle they once thought was too lofty or see someone simply find the ability to take one step, it is very powerful. Is it selfish to want to see the triumph of others you had a hand in helping? If so, I’m selfish. So, I have committed myself to bringing to market, products and service-based businesses that match my philosophy.
I always had an eye out for gadgets and machines that did unique things so when I discovered the MaxOut technology, I was hooked. Before diving in, my business partner Matt Cubbler and I thoroughly vetted the concept and immersed ourselves in the science behind the technology. What we found was only the tip of the iceberg. What we ultimately discovered was a machine that unleashes the true potential of the human body. When the body is strong it just simply has the capacity to do more and/or do it faster. The MaxOut technology creates an eccentric overload for the muscles being worked. In other words, the weight lowered is heavier than the weight lifted, which in turn, causes the body to build stronger denser muscles more quickly than any other method or device, ever. Therefore, the technology was obviously attractive to me.
Readers of our health and fitness section may be familiar with the Barwis Methods MaxOut Tower. Why is it a vital piece of gym tech for those looking to increase their overall strength?
The MaxOut Technology is at the heart of the Barwis Methods MaxOut Tower. In 2013, we collaborated with strength training legend Mike Barwis of Barwis Methods. Mike helped our understanding of the scientific methodology behind the technology and aided its deployment into the collegiate ranks. The “Tower” is a vital component of any elite athlete training program. The Tower is an after-market kit that can be connected to nearly any commercially available squat or power rack and most pin selector style strength equipment.
By adding a Tower to the equipment used to target each major muscle group, a total body workout can be achieved quickly while delivering unparalleled strength gains. In the past five years we have consistently seen 10%-25% strength gains in all of our clients in only 14 workouts. For the elite athletes Mike and others train, it means that off-field training injuries can be lessened because of the workout efficiency the Barwis Method MaxOut Tower provides. So our clients can get stronger, faster and with less chance of injury.
It seems as if news broadcasts continually begin with tragic stories about children being bullied. How much of a problem is bullying today?
Bullying is so pervasive in our society today. It has the capacity to erode the strongest fortress or halt a kid in his or her tracks.
Your company Maxout Strength Studios has created a program to provide assistance to youth. What does the LAMP program hope to do?
Strong bodies are only part of the story of what we do at MaxOut Strength Studio. We also have a comprehensive Leadership and Mentorship Program that focuses on building the Mind, Body and Soul of Teens & Young Adults for ages 14 -22. The MaxOut Leadership and Mentorship Program (LAMP) was created with one guiding principle in mind – to help kids identify within themselves their own personal strengths and weaknesses and then, with the help of the MaxOut staff, guide them down the path of accentuating those strengths while minimizing the exposure of their weaknesses.
The Maxout LAMP has allied with Friendwatch; what aims does the partnership have?
MaxOut has partnered with a grassroots organization called Friendwatch.org, a free reporting portal that can be put on any school web site that allows kids to anonymously report bullying to the school administrators without fear of reprisal. It is a 100 percent anonymous process. Their website is www.friendwatch.org.
MaxOut is a “Bully-Free Safe Zone” where kids can come and expect to be treated with respect by our staff and our members in a safe and friendly environment.
A major philosophy of your program is that bullies are the weak ones; can you go into greater detail about this belief and how you put it into practice in the Maxout LAMP?
Absolutely. Bullies are, at their core, weak and afraid. They manifest that fear and insecurity by bullying kids who they perceive are more vulnerable than they are. At MaxOut, our goal is to help our members to become mentally and physically stronger than they were when they started with us. When a kid becomes stronger, they become more confident. When a more confident kid then learns how to mentally defend against a bully through our L.A.M.P. Program – they become a VICTOR instead of a victim. Once a kid figures out this, we then help them find ways that they can help others who may still be victimized by bullies. Standing up for oneself and then standing up for those who cannot do so for themselves – is how great leaders, role-models and future mentors are created.
Do you have any plans to further expand the LAMP to other gyms and fitness centers?
The idea of coupling building physical strength and inner strength is a concept we just could not keep as our own. MaxOut Domestic Franchising is launching a national franchise campaign to bring our unique concept to communities everywhere. I already see the amazing results in our young people and I think to myself, ‘we’ve made a difference, let’s do more of that!
What does the rest of 2015 hold for Jason Griggs? How can our readers find out in the latest in updates from your offices?
The rest of 2015 will certainly be busy but exciting for me, that’s for sure! We are launching our domestic franchise opportunities, while seeking new areas of growth for the business. I am never happy just sitting still so I am sure I’ll be seeking new ways to enhance the business. It’s been a great year so far so I am excited to see what the rest of 2015 brings.
Readers can definitely stay informed through our Facebook pages (Facebook/Maxout Strength Studio) and (Facebook/MaxOut Domestic Franchising) and of course our web site www.MaxOutStudios.com. We are constantly updating all of our social media pages and invite readers to join in on the conversation. We would love to hear from them!
Finally, do you have any final thoughts for NeuFutur readers?
I would just like to thank you and your readers for taking the time to get to know me and MaxOut Strength Studios. It’s a very exciting time for us as a company and we feel very fortunate to share our story with your readers. We would love to check back in again in the near future and let you know how things are going and where we are with are with our initiatives.
Thanks again!
Thank you so much for your time. Readers can find more information about Griggs and the Maxout Strength Studio at http://www.maxoutstudio.com .