Posted on: November 25, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Toronto’s Specyal T has just released her C.A.K.E. EP, a five-track effort that will provide listeners with a full array of styles, influences, and sounds upon which to familiarize themselves with this inimitable performer. The EP begins with Stay With Me, an effort that is a down and dirty club track. The deep and sultry sounds issuing forth here are matched well with intelligent wordplay.


Just A Thot is a blend of R&B and dance, with Specyal T’s vocals utilizing a hard-hitting and rapid-fire flow that does as much to the overall sound of the track as the dense and bushy instrumentation. The cut reaches its climax with a hook that will bury itself deeply into the minds and hearts of listeners. Set off from the rest of the track, this chors deserve ample airplay on radio stations.

Madame Jane has a haunting backing beat that provides the intensity to Specyal T’s lyrics; hints of Missy Elliott and Eve can be discerned here as Specyal T continues building up the momentum that started chugging along during Stay With Me; this goodwill continues with Later Tonite. This penultimate track on the C.A.K.E. EP has instrumental and vocal elemetnst working at the same high level. At a point where the lyrical side of things is given so much focus over the backing beat, this move is fairly revolutionary. Specyal T ends her latest EP with When You Knew. This cooler track bursts into flame as Specyal T moves into the chorus. The inclusion of this laid-back jazz-infused sound showcases that this performer can continue to grow and change even at the final strains of a release.

Top Tracks: Stay With Me, Just A Thot

Rating: 8.2/10

Specyal T C.A.K.E. EP Review / 2015 Specyal T Productions / 5 Tracks / / /

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