Sesame Street: Elmo’s Wonders, released earlier this month, is a collection of a variety of activities that will get your toddler or young child up and active with one of their favorite child’s creations, Elmo. The DVD has a number of different activities that will keep things fresh for those frazzled parents that have to watch the DVD on repeat for months. This means that there is Elmo Says, Red light green light, and Pat-a-Cake present on this release that will get everybody allured in by the red fuzzy Jim Henson creation to be up and moving rather than sitting and staying inactive.
The Elmo’s Wonders DVD is good for children in that beyond the activities it contains a few full length episodes which includes the Simon Says and the Elmo’s World: Games episodes. This would be a perfect sort of stocking stuffer or gift for a child aged 2 to 5 and is located in any sort of brick and mortar location along with a slew of online retailers. The collection of different Elmo’s World DVDs make it quite easy for a family to keep things fresh and the price that these are usually (around $10) is approachable as it pales in comparison to most full length films.
For more information about the Elmo’s Wonders program, the different activities and stories that are told in the series and further ideas about how to engage a child go to the Elmo’s World website. A visit over to the Sesame Street portal or their social media profiles would also be a great resource for anybody that’s looking to provide variety in the formative years of a child.
Rating 8.0/10
Sesame Street: Elmo’s Wonders DVD Review / 2016 Sesame Street | Warner Brothers / 120 Minutes / /