Posted on: April 1, 2018 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

So many of our feelings and emotions are linked to our health; it’s amazing when you know how everything you are thinking of can have an actual, physical impact on your body – and vice versa. It makes sense, then, that your relationship status and how you feel about that can also determine how you feel when it comes to your health.


You can feel it happening. Love gives us a real, physical reaction that includes a quickened heart rate, dilated pupils, ‘butterflies’ in the stomach, sweaty palms, and it can even make it hard to speak or find the right words to say. Yet it’s not quite as simple as that. There are many things that go into how your love life affects your health.


Your Weight

If you’ve ever noticed that you put on a little (or perhaps a lot) of weight once you are in a stable relationship there could be a good reason for it. Once you are happy with someone and comfortable with your body around them, you can stop trying quite so hard to keep fit, and the weight will start to gain. So although putting on weight might be the sign of a happy relationship, it’s not good for your health.


If you do find that you and your partner have become more comfortable since moving in together or marrying, for example, then you can do something about it. Using that same partnership that allowed the weight to come in the first place, you can go out and exercise together, joining the same gym or even attending the same class. If you set weight loss goals as a couple losing the weight should be easier than if you try to do it separately.


Your Stress Levels

People who have sex on a regular basis are a lot less stressed than those who don’t. That’s because sex reduces your blood pressure levels by increasing the level of serotonin (the happy hormone) and reducing the level of cortisol (the stress hormone) in your body. That gives you a good balance of the right kinds of hormones and you’ll feel fantastic; you won’t feel stressed. Your stress levels can affect your performance at work and in general life, so being in a relationship can sometimes help towards remaining calm and less stressed.



Even if you’re not in a long term relationship, you can become de-stressed thanks to sex, so logging onto a site such as LOveSita where you can dins women you can chat to. This may help you decrease your stress levels depending on what works for you.


Other Hormones

Cortisol and serotonin aren’t the only hormones that are affected by your love life. When you hug your partner, or have any kind of physical intimacy with them, you will also raise your oxytocin levels. This hormone is also believed to improve your mood and reduce your blood pressure. It only takes a few seconds and the touch can be anything from a hug to a touch on the arm, a shoulder squeeze or holding hands.


Your Sleep

Getting the right amount of sleep each night is essential for your good health. Sleeping well, for around seven to eight hours a night, may help you to lose weight, can you more productive, lower your blood pressure, help prevent heart disease and heart attacks, and help reduce your chances of stroke and type 2 diabetes. We are often told about the benefits of a good night’s sleep, so make sure that you counter it into your routine.


When you sleep next to someone you totally trust and really love, you will sleep better because you will be more relaxed. Of course, if your partner keeps stealing the covers or snores then it might not be the most relaxing sleep you have ever had, but if this is the case there are ways to fix the issues such as using a tool that keeps the covers in place and wearing ear plugs. Alternatively, if you live in separate places, spend some nights alone to make sure you get in those hours that you need to be the best you can be.


Your Anxiety

Studies have shown that those in a committed relationship felt less anxiety than those who are not. The marriage or relationship, however, does need to be stable, otherwise anxiety levels can be much higher than it is for single people. Being in a relationship where there is doubt and distrust can put people in a state of permanent anxiety and that raises blood pressure and causes many different health issues including heart disease.


Anxiety is something that needs to be addressed as soon as it is noticed. Symptoms to look out for include a general sense of uneasiness, not being able to feel calm, heart palpitations, nausea, tingling or numb hands and feet, being unable to sleep, tenseness, dizziness, dry mouth, shortness of breath, and panic attacks. If any of these symptoms occur, then it is best to seek advice from a medical professional.


Your Alcohol Use

When you are living with someone – or even when you are going out with them regularly – your drinking behavior may start to mirror theirs. Therefore, if your partner drinks heavily, you could potentially to do the same. Try and sometimes not always have an alcoholic drink if you go out and socialize. By having a balanced approach, you can ensure you are not drinking too much. This will save you money too; there are ways and means of socializing that don’t necessarily involve drinking.


The good news is that if you start drinking at the same level as a partner then if you both determine to cut down together, it should be easier. Work out how much you’re drinking at the moment work then decide by which date you want to be drinking less. Slowly but surely cut down your alcohol consumption until you are drinking at more comfortable levels, if at all.




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