Posted on: April 22, 2013 Posted by: John B. Moore Comments: 0

With the travesty that is erupting in Syria right now, the fascinating documentary A Whisper to a Roar can serve as inspiration to just how powerful average citizens can be when they decide to say “Enough is enough” to the political status quo.
Justifiably praised at independent film festivals across the globe when it was first screened last year, the film by Ben Moses looks at political revolutions in Egypt, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Malaysia and Ukraine. Tying all five global struggles together beautifully the film shows what happens when the oppressed focus their pro-Democracy efforts on toppling the dictators in charge. In many of the situations profiled here, its students frustrated with what their future looks like, that led the charge.
While the film ends on a positive note, with pro-Democracy victories in a number of the regions, there has been some backsliding since the credits rolled (Egypt installed a new president, but a lot of the hoped for freedoms have yet to emerge. Likewise, despite the death of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, his protégée was just elected in his place,  and is certain to continue with a decidedly anti-Democratic dictatorship).
Regardless, the movie serves as a fitting profile to courageousness.
A Whisper to a Roar/1 DVD/94 mins./Virgil Films/2013
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A Whisper to a Roar DVD Review

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