Posted on: June 27, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Amber Pacific – Truth In Sincerity / 2007 Hopeless / 12 Tracks / / /

For a few years back when I first started the magazine, The Red Hot Valentines were the band that could do no wrong. Through four or five releases, everything they did was golden. They broke p a few years back, but it did not take me too terribly long to find another band to take their spot. This band is Amber Pacific, and “Truth In Sincerity” marks their second album. “Rule #76” is a short introductory track, but the band immediately starts kicking ass again with their “Summer (In B)”. The same fast, almost punk-infused emo rock of Amber Pacific is as clear and as vibrant as on any other tracks. The sizzling guitar tracks link themselves well with the catchy vocals and splashy drums.

The champs are back, baby. As hard as it is to believe, Amber Pacific become even more catchy with their “Temporary”. The back and forth of the track will get heads bouncing and feet tapping. It may be easy to put the band in the same realm as a SR-71 or a Wakefield, but this is incorrect for two reasons. First off, the band does not fizzle out with one or two tracks on this disc. Secondly, the disc has tremendous amounts of replay potential. Including the bass in a major way, “Temporary” continues the disc’s amazing momentum and brings the listeners unscathed to “You’re Only Young Once”. The dulcimer tones of Matt are one of the many constants on the tracks on “Truth In Sincerity”. What is a new thing for fans of Amber Pacific is the band’s inclusion of arena rock-like openness to tracks.

Whether it is the Nelson-like solos on “You’re Only Young Once” or the thunderous drums during the track, the band has the fullest sound of practically any other act on the market. Forget HelloGoodbye, The Summer Obsession, and A Static Lullaby; Amber Pacific is simply the best band in the “emo” genre. What makes them so compelling is the fact that they can take on other styles, such as punk, during “Living Proof” and subjugate the style to their own general sound. What then results is something that is fresh and new, but individuals will never forget what band is playing. Amber Pacific have continued to solidify their sound, and this is one of the discs that will forever have a place in my changer. Other albums may fade in time, but Amber Pacific makes this album to speak to individuals in 2007 as 2057. You are an idiot if you don’t pick it up.

Top Tracks: Living Proof, Temporary

Rating: 10/10

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