Posted on: June 26, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

OST: Ocean’s Thirteen / 2007 Warner Bros / 20 Tracks / / /

I have not had a chance to see any of the newer “Ocean’s” movies, but I can generally guess what the movies are able. A group of people (however many are determined by the title of the movie, typically) are trying to rip off a casino. One can guess that the music for a movie of that type will largely look back to the lounge and Elvis-like styles of music. David Holmes is the composer of the music to this movie (Actually, ey has been responsible for the scores for the last two Ocean’s movies). There seems to be more of a homage with this score to the classic James Bond movie, “Diamonds Are Forever”.

The compositions on this score use funk and orchestral compositions to create a timeless sound. The score ends but the disc does not; the finale of the disc ends with two classics, in Frank Sinatra’s “This Town” and The Motherhood’s “Soul Town”. The great thing about this score is the fact that Holmes adds something new to each track on the album. A big problem that I notice with a lot of the big budget scores is that there is not enough derivation from the norm; the threads that run through the disc constrain the compositions into a formulaic morass. However, Holmes is talented enough to change things up with each subsequent album.

This is best noticed with the absolutely absurd bass line that is placed into “Zippo” or the massive shift in the overall sound that is given with the much more Bohemian composition of “Earthquake”. Another thing that is strong about this score is the fact that it is not as complacent as other larger-market soundtracks. Holmes blasts forth with compositions in much of the same way that Wendy/Walter Carlos did with eir seminal soundtrack for “A Clockwork Orange”. I dare say that this soundtrack is solid enough to allow for repeated listens without having the context of the movie present. Even if an individual has not seen any of the Ocean’s movies, picking up this album is necessary if individuals like a volatile, experimental sound that is at all times highly linked to previous styles. Hell, if Holmes is around for the soundtrack for Ocean’s Fourteen, I might have to actually go to the theatre to see the movie. Check out this soundtrack whenever you get a chance to, and you will be surprised.

Top Tracks: Zippo, Earthquake

Rating: 7.1/10

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