Posted on: July 3, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Paris Luna – City Lights / 2007 Self / 11 Tracks / /

Paris Luna start out their “City Lights” in a way that reminds me of Sixpence None the Richer. The first track on “City Lights” is “Having a Hard Time”. “Having a Hard Time” is a rock track in the same vein as a Kelly Clarkson; the bass and drums make for an easy listening track, one in which the vocals of Paris rest comfortably. The band’s work on “Having a Hard Time” and on the second, more country-influenced “Someday” shows that they are very capable. During “Someday”, the band is able to craft a sound that is specifically their own, while moving to include a more Shania Twain-esque set of vocals at points.

The acoustic guitar that opens up “Tell Me Why” is yet another new thing that individuals will experience when it comes to Paris Luna’s “City Lights”. The guitar work opens up and the end result is again something that would not be surprising in the least ot hear on modern rock radio. The one thing that I feel is a difference between Paris Luna and the rest of the acts on those types of stations has to be that Paris Luna tells much more of a story with each track on “City Lights” than the other acts in the genre. The guitar progression on “Tell Me Why” shows that the rest of Paris Luna’s band is much more talented as musicians than many of the acts in that genre.

The fact that every one of the tracks on “City Lights” could conceivably rocket up the charts is further testament to the skills and abilities of Luna and the rest of eir band. “No Good For Me” is a track that breaks free of the general formula used by Luna, in that the tempo is much slower and the vocals are much more emotional than in prior tracks. There is some unity between “No Good For Me” and the rest of the tracks on the disc, but the success of this track shows that Paris Luna will succeed in any style, using any sort of influences that are thrown at them. Paris Luna will be big after the right individuals hear this album, and I have a feeling that this will happen in the short term rather than the long term. Check out Paris Luna now, and be sent on an emotional, fun, and impressive type of modern rock.

Top Tracks: Having a Hard Time, All for Nothing

Rating: 6.8/10

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