A live interview with one of the kids of Last Tears, that was conducted on May 28, at Cool and Phat, after their rocking set. Here it is.
James McQuiston-When was Last Tears formed?
Last Tears-1998
JM-How many times has the personnel change in Last Tears?
JM-How old is everyone?
LT- Around 18
JM- Who is in the band?
LT-Mark, Eliot, and Gabes.
JM-What bands have you toured with?
LT-Common Ground
JM-What magazines do you like?
LT-Suburban Voice
JM-Are you sXe or Normal?
JM-What is your racial orientation?
LT-Anti Racist.
LT- Well, I gotta go, because the other guys are getting tattoos done down in Newark.