Posted on: August 29, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

The Pugilist #1 / Free / 16M / :10 / [email protected] /           

Dorothea is the other magazine that Mike sent over. I must say, I much more interested on what Mike has to say here. This is because The Pugilist deals with how to become a successful vegetarian. While there are a number of readers of NeuFutur that are vegetarian and vegan, I still believe that Mike puts forth some great tips to stay healthy while still maintaining a veggie lifestyle. Most important in this issue is the breaking down in explanation of the two different types of iron, heme and non-heme. Essentially, heme is the type of protein that can be found only in animal tissue, while non-heme is exclusively (or primarily) found in plant tissue. Non-heme protein is much harder for individuals to absorb and use correctly than heme protein. To counter this, Mike suggests to add some vitamin C to one’s diet. Furthermore, there is information concerning the amount of protein one can receive from eating certain foods, an explanation about the benefits of B12, and how to make an origami dollar bill bull. What strikes me is that Mike is able to put so much information in such a small magazine. I sincerely hope that Mike will be able to continue with this magazine, expand the page count, and vary the topics with each subsequent issue. For anyone that is looking to take on the vegetarian lifestyle, The Pugilist should be a magazine that individuals pick up along with other books and materials related to the diet. Give it a go.

Rating: 8.2/10

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