Posted on: January 10, 2008 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

I received this from Clamor Magazine, who wanted me to review it. I am, so much later that it isn’t even funny anymore. I’m sorry, guys. This is your average zine, really. Prose pieces about farming and Jessica, the editor’s, life lead into poetry about white bread. Heavy focus is on her ex-boyfriend, which she makes sure that her audiences knows that “She’s not over yet”, and also on her faith, Judaism. I want to gush with positive sentiments about this magazine, but I just simply can’t bring myself to do it. I’ve read this zine already, but it was called various other things and done by countless other authors. Having dated a Jewish girl, this just seems to be common ground, and as a result, I’ve heard this time and time again. The only thing that I can not cheap praising is the discussion on the lasst actual page, where Jessica goes and describes why she shouldn’t be called bisexual, specifically that it “reduces my attractions to people to a merely physical level on a dualistically gendered plane, and this simplifies the infinite levels and facets of interactions that people can have for one another”. Perhaps this last page will bode well for the future of this magazine. I mean, it was fun to read, but it just doesn’t do anything intense for me. If you want a copy, send $1 to DTG, 85 E.Phary #4A, Brooklyn NY 11238.

Rating : 3.4/10

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