Posted on: June 4, 2008 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Indiana Jones : Adventure Collection / 2008 Paramount / 359 Minutes / /

As a way to get sales up and individuals interested in both the old films and the current film – Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Paramount has put out the Indiana Jones: Adventure Collection. Furthermore, Paramount has pulled out all of the stops when it comes to the inclusion of bonus material. Of particular import in terms of these additional features would have to be the introductions to each of the films that were committed to the collection by George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. The storyboards for each of the films provides individuals with a jumping off point for the action that would take place in the actual film, while perhaps another of the strongest inclusion on this box set would be the additional interviews.

These interviews were conducted at a time much more close to the current period, and operate in a way that allows individuals to understand the context in which the films were originally created, even if the individual was not even born when the first (or second and third) Indiana Jones movies hit theaters. The “Discover Adventure On Location With Indy” is a very interesting feature for me, as while it does not have an actor playing Indy in the piece, it shows viewers where the different scenes in each of the three films were taken. For individuals that still play video games, the inclusion of a demo for the Lego Indiana Jones game will give them a few more hours of getting up close and intimate with Indy. Further features, such as “The Indy Trilogy: A Crystal Clear Appreciation”, which has a number of the current crew on “Crystal Skull” discuss how important the original trilogy was in crafting their own professional career.

There are a number of different featurettes that individuals of a specific kind will appreciate – such as the discussion of creepy crawlies or how the face-melting scene from “Raiders of the Lost Ark” was created – so don’t let the previously mentioned featuettes seem like the end of extras on this boxed set. Indiana Jones: Adventure Collection would be a perfect gift for the father for the upcoming holiday, or will do in a pinch for any fan of the films’ birthday. There are more than enough extras to make this set worth the $60 list price. Check out the set, check out Crystal Skull, and you’ll have more than enough excitement for the summer.

Rating: 7.6/10

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