
Posted on: June 14, 2008 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Raw / Half / 18 Pages / Half Size / $1 / Vermicious Knid / Lupine Ladies Press, PO Box 543, Accokeek MD 20607.

This is another zine done by Vermicious Knid, where ey talks about a very personal experience in being raped; the writing, not quite prose nor poetry, really embodies the disconnected, disjointed thought ey has on the matter. The title of the zine really just does more to describe the zine than any proper review even could, but everything about this zine, from the text (handwritten) to the art (drawn) shows that this is a labor from one individual trying to express eirself to the reader than to a computer and a reader. The artwork, contributed by another individual, does not have much textually in common to the text, but where it lacks textually it gains in emotion. The art, very sketchy, again contributes to the narrative with its spontaneous and rough feel. However much the rapist took from the editor is doubled in the amount of strength ey has, as evidenced by the quote “Sometimes, our scars preced out strength – But pain, when faced, will heal – And pain, when healed, becomes power… they are the roots of our strength”. Raw, unadorned, unpretty, will act more as a beacon for other injured individual and provide them with a font of strength.

Rating : 8.2/10

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