With so much noisy, louder than ye bands out there nowadays how can one tell the difference from shit I can make with a loud amp and some pedals? Compared to masterful and intelligently played? Well for one you could take some time out of your day and pick up A Caesar Holiday S/T EP. With six incredible songs slick with emotion and a tempo in each song that leads you far and away.
Track two, Let Bygones plays out like a circuit running in your head and it’s hard to focus on much else when it’s on as it weaves through it’s melodies. Post-Coital Coffee, the four track and the other notable song keeps you hanging by a string dropping you only to bring it right back when you least expect it. A Caesar Holiday is a breath of fresh air as they take their genre of noise-rock and really show em’ how it’s done.
I give it 7.5/10
A Caesar Holiday – S/T EP
-Kristopher D. Shepard