Posted on: March 13, 2009 Posted by: anfnewsacct Comments: 0

Jamie Barnes plays a brand of folk-rock that is similar to that created at regular intervals by Devendra Banhart. However, Jamie takes more than a little hint from sixties-rock (America, Neil Young) and this is why “Honey From The Ribcage” far out-strips much of the earlier-influenced folk rock of the current period. The bouncy sound of “Pearly Gate and Son Pest Control” shows a little more of that sixties-influence, and really solidifies the sound of the disc.

Jamie Barnes really comes forth on this album with a style of rock (albeit secularized) that during tracks like “Three Suns”, that goes near the type of music that Jars of Clay was trying to do during “Much Afraid”. Fans of pop-rock, folk, and of good music with enjoy Jamie do the simplistic yet catchy style of music that is committed to this disc. The aforementioned “Three Suns” titillates listeners by taking sections from nineties-alternative rock, frat-rock and a whole host of different sounds. Jamie succeeds due to his musical “melting pot”. Jamie comes through with something that surpasses Rufus Wainwright, Hayden, and even the ultra-overrated Elliot Smith; “Honey From The Ribcage” is the indie-rock album to pick up this year.

Top Tracks: Three Suns, Pearly Gate and Son Pest Control

Rating: 7.2/10

Jamie Barnes – Honey From The Ribcage / 2005 Silber Records / 10 Tracks / / / Reviewed 12 June 2005

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