Xerography Debt is one of the only print zines still available that makes the zining world their primary focus. Where it seems at the beginning of the issue that Davida was about ready to throw in the towel, Joe (Microcosm) gave eir the spark necessary to continue with this plump and lush-looking issue. The issue continues with a typical letters to the editor section, while the columns that follow afterwards will be reminiscent to some to those similar pieces in Slug & Lettuce. “Why Publish Prisoner Zines†by Christopher Robin is an illuminating look into the prisoner zine community that, while not respectful to those on the outside at times, still is rewarding at the end of the day.
Advertisements are not an issue, and the few times that they are present (once this issue, I believe), they are on-point and make sense. The reviews themselves take up a lion’s share of the issue, floating around 50 of the 64 pages. The reviews themselves are oriented by the reviewer, with the common thread being all the information that they can provide about the title (price, page count, addresses). All zines are covered, be it personal, political, craft, art, poetry – with anywhere from 150 and up words describing the nuances of the issue. If you like reading zines, make sure to pick up a copy of Xerography Debt today.
Rating: 9.0/10
Xerography Debt #25 / $3.00 / 64M / http://www.leekinginc.com