This beer retails at around $6-7, and it provides quite a kick considering that it clocks in at 10%. Take that into consideration with the fact that it’s a bomber, and one has essentially 4 beers under one’s belt after killing this bottle. The light coloring of the beer itself belies this heavy alcohol content, as the head quickly dissipates. The Reverend comes through with a decently light nose, one that showcases the more fruit-based taste of the beer while hiding a great deal of the alcohol content.
When the imbiber is finally able to take down the first few swigs of this beer, what results is a mouthfeel that is fairly heavy alongside a taste that is reminiscent of peaches and apricots, albeit with a spice-heavy end. The complexity of The Reverend should not be denigrated, as subsequent tastes will bring out smoke, raisins, and even grapes. This complexity, taken alongside the heavier feel of this beer, can act as the beginning and end of an individual’s drinking session. The quality of this Quadrupel, coupled with the price point at which it is sold, means that those who would be interested should find a way to go and pick up a bottle to cellar.
Avery: The Reverend (Quadrupel Ale) / Beer / 10% ABV /