Posted on: May 21, 2010 Posted by: John B. Moore Comments: 0

Much like the tabloids it parodies, the Courtney Cox-starring cable show Dirt, is a guilty pleasure: Pure trash, little redeeming valuable, but extremely hard to turn away from.

Cox does the nearly impossible playing cold-as-ice Lucy Spiller, editor-in-chief of the glossy celeb tabloid Dirt Now, and manages to actually come off as likeable. She might just be one of TV’s ultimate antiheroes.

Much like Law & Order, the story lines in Dirt are “ripped from the headlines” with obvious nods to Britney’s famous meltdown (complete with a questionably-talented rapper/husband); and Mel Gibson’s anti-Semitic father and Kirsten Allen’s weight problems. The series also throws in some over-the-top plots (similar to fellow FX series Nip/Tuck) like murderous movie stars.

On the second and final season, the show was finally catching its groove when the TV writers’ strike in 2007 forced the creator’s to end the series rather abruptly after only seven episodes. The folks at FX then cancelled the series without a proper conclusion. With Cox now getting string reviews on ABC’s Cougar Town, the likelihood of someone reviving the series now is pretty close to nil.

Rating: 8.5 out of 10

Dirt – Season Two/2 DVDs/2010/Lionsgate/286 mins.

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