Posted on: June 9, 2010 Posted by: Jay NeuFutur Comments: 0

We here at NeuFutur had a chance to familiarize ourselves with DownTown Mystic, a New Jersey act that has just released a new album, “Standing Still”. This 2010 effort, on band member Robert Allen’s own Sha-La Music, contains 13 tracks of pure rock music. “Standing Still” is a step forward from a band that has already shown that they can deliver on disc, as evidenced by their 2007 work “Read The Signs”. Where the tracks on “Standing Still” stand on their own, listeners that are familiar with the days of album-oriented rock will find something delightful when they take the album as a distinct entity. Sure, some tracks (the titular effort and “Backdoor”) may have an easier time making it onto radio, but tracks like “Shade of White Bluegrass” truly extend and expand upon the style of what is a very eclectic band.

Despite keeping much of the same lineup between “Read The Signs” and “Standing Still”, DownTown Mystic brings a considerably different sound to bear between the two. While “Read The Signs” seems to be more focused and rock-based, I feel that “Standing Still” flies against its title and showcases a band that really wants to go out there and try their hand at anything that tickles their fancy. Where such experimental albums would be ruinous for lesser-talented collections of musicians, the veteran base of DownTown Mystic ensures that they can step up to the plate whenever they need.

The production of both albums is interesting in that it does not red-line each constituent element of the band. A great number of acts, both rock and metal, seem to equate ear-ripping amounts of noise with talent, and as such, turn up everything to 10. DownTown Mystic allows listeners to decide on their own how good each track is, by putting forth a clear representation of bass, drums, guitars, vocals, and whatever other instruments make it into the mix. By adhering to an older style of production, DownTown Mystic are able to create an album that will be much more timeless than any of the major label efforts released at the same time. Listeners might prefer different styles of music than that of DownTown Mystic, but I feel that anyone that gives “Read The Signs” or “Standing Still” a serious listen will be able to appreciate the band’s work.

For those individuals that would like to check out what DownTown Mystic is about, give their Myspace a spin at With over 21,000 fans currently friends of the act, DownTown Mystic is poised to have tremendous turnouts at any venue that they may step into. Where the act had previously preferred to make perfect pieces of platter, the band’s fans should push for this tour. Those that want to pick up “Read The Signs” and “Standing Still” can purchase copies of those album at DownTown Mystic’s CDBaby – . For those that want to see the label side of things, Sha-La Music, Inc. can be located at .

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