Posted on: July 8, 2010 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

The forthcoming “Wind Up Wooden Heart” tempers the experimental lines of the Deerhoof with a love of unadulterated pop songwriting, and heightens the arching melodies of Beach House with dramatic twists and turns. With consistently catchy melodies, Natalia’s enchanting voice, masterful engineering by Jay Pellicci (Deerhoof, Subtle, Erase Errata), and special guest appearances by members of Bright Eyes and Thee More Shallows, Social Studies have crafted an album that’s equally infectious and innovative.

In ten tracks, the band offers us a glimpse into a prophetic future that, upon closer look, is crumbling with nostalgia and regret. The songs mirror the contradictory themes that run through the album with a balance between danceable melodies and unique structures that break out of the “verse/chorus/verse” boundaries. Wind Up Wooden Heart is pop music fully realized for a modern era, and it’s a debut LP that begs to be talked about, sung along to, and played on repeat. It announces Social Studies as a band ready to break out into the national consciousness.

July 10th Great American Music Hall San Francisco, CA w/ Au Revoir Simone
Aug 7th Rickshaw Stop San Francisco, CA w/ Maus Haus, 60 Watt Kid, and Montra (Record Release Show)
Aug 13th – Aug 22nd West Coast US Tour (details TBA soon)

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