Posted on: August 11, 2010 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Looking at the front of this album, I was assuming that this was more in the realm of Kill Rock Stars indie rock. However, the style of music that The Lovekill come up with for their “These Moments are Momentum”, especially on their “Palms and Gin”, is something that comes forth as a more poppy version of At The Drive-In. The double vocals that open up this disc give the band a few sound that is only increased in fullness when one hears the different styles that the band passes through. Each of the tracks on the beginning half of “These Moments Are Momentum” seem to follow along their At The Drive-In style; something that starts to seem like a problem is that The Lovekill do not differentiate their sound too terribly much out of the gates.

I understand that it is a smart thing to do to create your own style of music from the beginning of a CD, but when this style is so narrow and defined by one band that preceded them, it almost seems as if The Lovekill is going into a rut early. There is no problem when individuals listen into one track (say, if they heard “Sleepover” on alternative radio), but doing the same thing time and time again diminishes the impressions that one gets from the band almost immediately. Where the band may want to try to move their general sound to is more of the Raised Fist type of hardcore that seems to be present in a small amount during “Heart Wires”.

The presence of a bass throughout this track, especially considering the rest of the tracks up to that point held the bass to the shadowy corners, also gives The Lovekill a way out of the rut that they had previously created for themselves. There are quite a few bright points on “These Moments Are Momentum”, but The Lovekill need to continually look for different sounds, styles, and genres to use in the creation of their music. Right now, the music on this disc is solid but in a grouping that is much too tight for comfort. Here’s to hoping that The Lovekill can take in some new influences and create something that more successfully uses different styles and sounds for their next album. Give the second half of the disc more listens; the band starts to shake free after the first five tracks end.

Top Tracks: Nothing Yet, Land Time

Rating: 5.3/10

The Lovekill – These Moments Are Momentum / 2006 Astro Magnetics / 10 Tracks / / / Reviewed 16 June 2006


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