Posted on: April 21, 2011 Posted by: Jesse_Hayges Comments: 0

If you’re like me, and iCal pretty much runs your life for you, then I have big news for you; iDeskCal has hit the Mac AppStore. iDeskCal is a simple App that has only one goal in mind, which is to make you a more efficient person. Are you like me and find it just too much of a bother to load up iCal just to take one quick look at something, just to close it again? Does it interrupt your work flow having to stop and find the icon, let it load, and then search for your next doctor’s appointment? Wouldn’t it be nice if all your calendars were just floating above your desktop? Well, wait no longer and stop over at the Mac AppStore today and buy iDeskCal.

This wonderful App allows you to keep your work flow moving along nice and smooth like by putting all of your important dates right on your desktop. Running in the menubar, iDeskCal puts a translucent panel on your desktop, one that you can customize, and it will display all of your dates above your awesome wallpaper, but below your icons. What does that mean for you? Well, it means that it allows you to see at a glance when you’re scheduled to meet up with that hottie from accounting next week, while also still being able to see that really cool de-motivational poster you put as your back drop while also allowing you to maybe drop folders or files right next to upcoming meetings. Even if the icon is right on top of the panel, you can click on the icon and nothing happens to your iCal events.

iDeskCal comes with a wide variety of options for customizing how this panel looks, acts, and feels. You can choose whether the App lives in your dock, or in your menubar. You can also pick the color of the text, the color of the panel, you can adjust the opacity of the panel itself, and you can even pick from a good number of icon colors, or no icon at all if you like. With all of these options available, iDeskCal ends up being very flexible. This App also has some very nice features that you don’t see.
iDeskCal has some nice options for universal keyboard shortcuts for doing things like adding events or managing todo lists. You can also pick how iDeskCal will behave, run when OSX loads or only on call, etc. You can also make it like a window that you can drag around and interact with. I used this option once to put it where I like it best and then turned it off so I can still interact with my desktop. I made it as long as my desktop is tall and docked it on the left side of my screen so I can work on the right half and just glance to the left and see that I have to take out the trash tomorrow. Oops, good thing I have that iCal event or I’d never remember to do that.

At the end of the day, iDeskCal is a nice and unobtrusive way to schedule your life. It works well for those of us who need constant reminders without the use of things that are a constant annoyance. I give this App a 9 out of 10 and highly recommend you go and pick it up right away.

+++++++++++++++++++++++NeuFutur Exclusive!!!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++

The creators of iDeskCal tell me that I have the distinct pleasure of being the first to tell the world, or at least all five of my readers, that they are working on a new and BIG update for iDeskCal, so BIG and so secret, he didn’t even tell me what it was. But have no fear! If you buy it today in the AppStore, the update is forever free. So, what are you waiting for?

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