Posted on: December 18, 2011 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

There is a considerable amount of difference between the different gloves on the market. While it is true that some of winter’s chill can be blocked by a pair of cheap gloves, there is so much more provided by Isotoner’s Metis gloves. The skin-tight style of the glove removes any space for a chill to get in, while the silk / leather combination of the gloves ensure no removal of an individual’s body heat. While we received the gloves in black, Isotoner has provided purchasers with the choice to pick them up in a brown. There is little in the way of ornamentation here, with a single stitch running up the glove.

Where other gloves will remove one’s manual dexterity, the Women’s Metis Leather Gloves will allow a wearer the chance to open a door, fish out a credit card, or even sign a check. The warmth imbued by these gloves does not come at the expense of being able to do things with one’s hands. Isotoner gloves should be seen as the perfect holiday or birthday gift, and come in a wide enough array of styles and cuts to ensure that a wearer can keep busy, no matter what level of effort they have to do in their work, home, or family life.

The cost of this pair of gloves – $85 – is accessible because of the durable construction that Isotoner employs. These gloves will last quite a few years before one will have to purchase a new pair, so feel free to divide the cost by four or five, to make the number of years one will have them. Keep an eye out on their website for new styles, and check out their Totes and Acorn lines for more options.

Rating: 9.0/10

Women’s Metis Leather Gloves – Cashmere Lined / Isotoner /

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