Posted on: December 16, 2012 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

The ability for an artist to go out and get listeners involved that would not normally hear their message is perhaps the hardest thing to do, and Rev Lelton Davis has attempted to do just that. With the calling of God inspiring him, every effort that he has made in the last few years has been to point his listeners towards the light in the hope that they can be saved. His music takes on hints of the Gospel Gangstaz, Lecrae, and Cross Movement. Just A Sinner explains how listeners can be on the wrong side of God until that point where they choose to take his teachings into their heart. While the music is something that one could easily get into, I feel that Rev Lelton Davis’ music will keep listeners on the straight and narrow.

Check Lelton’s Reverbnation website ( ) for a full listing of his tracks, and email him directly ([email protected] ) for any networking or collaboration options. Make sure to add him on these services, as the amount of music that he releases will keep listeners thoughtful throughout the end of 2012 and well into 2013.

The music by which he does that is sufficiently strong that listeners of as secular stripe will be able to appreciate what he does, while there is a clarity to the message laid down each time out that listeners will easily be able to take his message to heart. If you are in the Arizona area, make it a point to meet with and be inspired by Lelton. The video for “Pray For Me” is crafted in such a way to draw listeners in while ensuring that they can identify with the sentiments contained within, while the overall production is solid and could easily make its way onto local and online radio stations.  c480x270_35

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