Posted on: March 27, 2013 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0


The turnaround that was present in the shifting of this film from its remaining theatrical engagements to the home video format is absolutely stunning. What is more surprising about the Lincoln Blu-Ray is that there are a substantial amount of featurettes that are present here. Living with Lincoln showcases the method style of acting employed by Spielberg; for eir cast to understand Lincoln, they had to adopt the trappings of the period. This nearly half-hour feature is coupled with Crafting the Past, providing individuals with the work of costumer Joanna Johnston and the crew’s set creation. Taken together, these features all grant viewers a rare look into the sheer mass of work that went into the creation of Lincoln.

The video quality of the Lincoln Blu-Ray edition is absolutely stellar, showing the sheer amount of work that was taken to transform Daniel Day-Lewis, Tommy Lee Jones, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt into the roles that they play. Viewers will be shocked at how close the Blu-Ray edition comes to the original theatrical print. A brief (about four minutes) feature about Richmond, Virginia provides individuals with information regarding how similar current Richmond and 19th-century America truly were. While this featurette could stand to have a few minutes added, I feel that it provides that much additional replay value to this release. The audio print does not slack; the gravity of the dialogue here is captured perfectly by the audio track.

Purchase a copy of Lincoln from any reputable online retailer or at any of your favorite video or department stores. The variety of video formats that are captured here (Blu-Ray, DVD, and ultraviolet copies) make it easy for an individual or a family to enjoy the tremendously dramatic story of the rise and fall of Abraham Lincoln.

Rating: 8.2/10

Lincoln Blu-Ray Review/ 2013 Disney | Buena Vista / 150 Minutes / lincoln-blu-ray-cover

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