Posted on: April 13, 2013 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

DVT1000_00-IMS-globalWhen I was taking graduate courses, a number of my fellow students would put down a tape recorder and capture the entirety of the class’s discussion. In the few years since I ended these classes, the technology that these recorders utilized have increased considerably. Where earlier generations of recorders were fuzzy and recorded vocals poorly, the Philips Digital Voice Tracer 1000 will ensure that a whole dialogue can be easily understood.

The largest reason for this increase in fidelity has to come in the dual-mic technology. By including two microphones, Philips ensures that all recordings are captured in stereo formats. The ability to record either in MP3 (lower quality) or WAV (higher quality) formats allows owners to either pack on the recordings (to have a set of easily-retrievable lecture notes) or to capture clearly nuanced discussion (I would have loved to have the Digital Voice Tracer 1000 in my Time-Series Analysis course). There is USB 2.0 functionality to allow owners to transfer voice files onto their computers, while the built-in 2 gigabyte memory will capture considerable numbers of recordings before requiring an additional Micro-SD card. It also has five folders where information from difference classes/subjects can be indexed, especially important information that might be included on the exam. The recorder is incredibly light (weighing in at .121 pound); make sure to utilize the provided holder to ensure that it does not get lost at the bottom of a bag or purse.

I love the intuitive design of the Philips Digital Voice Tracer 1000; users will need to visit their instructions only once before being able to navigate around Philips’ menus to change recording quality, replay, or change file formats. Make sure to price check on the Philips Digital Voice Tracer 1000. Intrepid online shoppers will be able to find their own Philips Digital Voice Tracer 1000 for about $50. There are also various other models of the Philips Digital Voice Tracer available that are suitable for different recording needs.

Rating: 9.2/10

Philips Digital Voice Tracer 1000 Recorder /

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