Posted on: June 16, 2013 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0


The Exofficio Chica Cool Tank Dress is absolutely stunning, and blends together a great price with a smart set of colors (the Chica Cool comes in Black, Lavender (an absolutely vibrant purple/white design), Reef (Blue), Seafoam (Light Green), and the Lychee (Orange) that we received. The dress is 38” long, which will hang well for a wide variety of body sizes and shapes.

The polyester / cotton blend of the Chica Cool Tank ensures that I stay cool throughout the day, while the form-fitting design of the Chica Cool allows the right curves to be accentuated. For those that wish to wear the dress outside throughout summer, the fabric offers SPF 20 protection and will wick sweat through the fabric. The quality of the fabric is such that one will be able to break out the dress on a regular basis over the course of a few years, while the classic styling will ensure that it works perfectly no matter which social event one will enter. The clean up for the dress is extremely easy; one just needs to machine wash the dress and tumble dry it.

Visit the Exofficio website for more information about the company and the releases which they will be rolling out in the months and years to come. The Chica Cool Tank Dress can be purchased from the company for around $70, and it is available on major online retailers (Amazon) as well.

Rating: 9.4/10


Women’s Chica Cool Tank Dress / ExOfficio /

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