The beer pours with a very dark brown, reddish tint; there is a small amount of an off-white head. The initial nose is not too assertive, with minor hints of hop and malt. Each sip is very smooth and provides imbibers with hints of fruits (berries, cherries), ginger, and spices (nutmeg, vanilla). The specific constellation of flavors changes as the beer approaches room temperature. Breckenridge’s Christmas Ale is one of the most approachable winter / holiday beers that we have had the chance to review. The alcohol content is hidden well amongst the different notes and flavors that swirl around here. Two or three of the Christmas Ales should be enough for an individual to have a great night.
I feel that the 7.4% alcohol of the beer provides enough warmth to stave off even the coldest night; make sure to pick up a six-pack of the Christmas Ale through the end of December. As this is a seasonal effort, the Christmas Ale will be gone before you know it. Visit the Breckenridge website for more information about the brewery’s efforts, the specific nuances to their beers, and a bevy of news updates.
Christmas Ale / Breckenridge Brewery / 7.4% ABV / /