Posted on: November 21, 2013 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0


Casinova is an up and coming artist from New York that changes what listeners will expect from the R&B genre. What I Need has a very funky and soulful style that will appease fans of Chris Brown and Trey Songz. There is a certain dynamism that is present in this track that makes Casinova’s output into something that touches equally upon the nuances of a rich genre.

Whether it is a front-forward sound or a richness of Casinova’s vocals, there will be something that individuals can appreciate. While the production of a great many popular tracks suffers as the vocals continue to dominate, What I need contains the perfect blend of instrumentation and vocal narration. It is during the track’s arrangement that hints of the Jackson 5 and the Commodores are interlaced with Justin Timberlake and Omarion. Taken all together, the constituent elements of What I Need represent a must-listen for anyone that is a fan of honest and earnest music.

What I Need is a tremendous opening salvo for Casinova. I would like to hear what a full-length release would entail. If this album is even a fraction of what this introduction entails, Casinova will be on the rapid train to fame.

Rating: 8.7/10

Casinova What I Need Single Review / 2013 Self / /

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