Posted on: November 8, 2013 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

The Citizen / DC Brau / 7.0% ABV /

The Citizen is a very unique beer, a bold-bodied tripel that is eminently drinkable. The blend of sweeter and more hoppy notes makes for a very complex effort. The beer pours with a very vibrant orange coloration, providing imbibers with a decent head. The haziness of the beer is inviting, while the initial sip yields hints of cloves, candi sugar, and a variety of citrus fruits (lemon, orange). The fruit side of The Citizen works well with the herbal and grassy notes present in the hop side of things. The specific constellation of sweet and sour continues to change as the beer gets warmer. This newness is precisely what is needed, making a decent beer into something truly special – where the final sips are not usually notable, the unique flavor of The Citizen will make one want to finish them.

The Citizen is a beer that effortlessly takes up the standard of a wide variety of styles. Far from being disjointed, The Citizen hits all notes well. Fans of tripels, pale ales, and even those fans of hefeweizens will find something that they can appreciate in DC Brau’s The Citizen.

Take a visit to the DC Brau website for more information about their year-round and seasonal offerings. If you find yourself in the DC area during this winter, take a look at the brewery’s hours.

Rating: 9.2/10

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