Effervescent without having some of the more dank and earthy notes typically present in the farmhouse ale format, Sneak Attack Saison has a tremendously easy flavor that dissipates quickly. The pour yields a very hazy, straw color with no head or lacing. 6.2% ABV is moderately perfectly by the warmer elements of the beer, while the 38 IBUs provide imbibers with additional complexity to the effort.
Hints of pepper, spice, citrus, and lemon can be discerned with each subsequent sip, and the specific constellation of flavors differs each time that one lifts the beer to their lips. With the presence of cardamom, the Sneak Attack has a distinctly different and unique flavor – one will simply have to taste it before understanding fully the complexities and idiosyncrasies present in each can.
21st Amendment has crafted a farmhouse styled ale that is inviting to the widest swath of imbibers. Visit the 21st Amendment brewery website for more information about their offerings and upcoming events.
Rating: 8.5/10
Sneak Attack Saison Beer Review / 2014 / 21st Amendment Brewery / 6.2% ABV / http://21st-amendment.com/