Posted on: December 12, 2014 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Whisky is one of my favorite spirits but the amount of different types of whiskeys that are on the market is considerable. There are good, decent, and bad efforts so finding the proper whiskey for your taste and uses is essential. Basil Hayden’s Bourbon Whiskey is a versatile spirit that will work equally well in mixed drinks, on the rocks, and even as a shooting spirit. The overall flavor profile of this whiskey s preceded by a robust nose that provides imbibers with some indication of the nuanced flavor profile that is to come. The initial sips creates a warming effect perfect for those frigid winter nights . There are charred oak, earthy, and herbal elements that all become present in the pour as one continuous to sip Basil Hayden’s.


The shot will go down incredibly easy, a considerable feat considering the much more bold flavors present in a whiskey. These specific array of flavors that will become evident to those drinking is considerably different when one chooses to utilize Basil Hayden’s in mixed drinks. This means that a whiskey sour has the extremely sugary notes typically present in the drink become muted to allow for more of the unique body of the bourbon whiskey to shine. Placing the whiskey on the rocks makes this flavor profile change once again. By muting some of the more alcoholic elements those with the drink are able to glean much more of the vegetal terroir of the spirit. The best thing about Basil Hayden’s is its price – expect to spend about $35-40 on a bottle of this whisky. Basil Hayden’s is available at any well stocked spirits shop, and the spirit’s website contains a great deal of additional information about the offering.


Rating: 9.0/10

Basil Hayden’s Bourbon Whiskey / 80 Proof /

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