La Fin Du Monde pours with a dark tan to dirty yellow color and possesses light wisps of bubbles at the top of the pour. The beer possesses a slightly tart nose that opens up to something slightly astringent and with a fair amount of sweetness. The overall presence of the beer in one’s mouth dissipates quickly, meaning that individuals will continually have a fresh experience of the beer. La Fin du Monde is surprisingly complex, providing imbibers with hints of tine and white wine.
La Fin Du Monde would pair perfectly with salads, cheese plates, and dried meats. The neat and sharper elements of the beer do well in keeping the momentum high – despite the fact that the beer has a 9.0% ABV, individuals will continue to drink the beer until the bottle is finished. This is a perfect balance of different flavors and styles, while still keeping the brevity and lightness of a lager or ale. The ability of the beer to move through a wide space of flavors and styles means that one can be finishing up La Fin Du Monde and experience something wholly new and unique to the experience. It is this spontaneity that should be the key reason why individuals search out this beer and explore the full range of Unibroue beers. The French and English Unibroue websites are presented below.
Rating: 8.4/10
La Fin Du Monde / 9.0% ABV / Unibroue / http://www.unibroue.com/ / http://www.unibroue.com/en/home