Posted on: March 3, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Pours with a reddish-gold and a small amount of lacing that works its way down the glass. The beer comes forth with a light floral and hoppy nose, something that will become increasingly prevalent as one begins to sip on the beer. There is a light amount of sweetness that exists at the beginning of each quaff, acting as a refresher for the beer; one will continue to relish the beer as it continues to warm. Hop Silo is able to hide an 8.3% ABV extremely well; there is no astringency to this beer.



Rather, the dichotomy between bitter and sweet is enough to keep things interesting from beginning to end. The beer is one that needs to be slowly sipped, but the sheer amount of refreshment that is present here is simply hard to beat. Hop Silo would work perfectly paired with fish, chicken, pork, lamb, or veal as it continues to allow ample opportunity to experience the paired dish in a virgin fashion.

Hop Silo comes in 16 ounce cans for your pleasure; one or two should be enough to cut the edge off cold winter nights or put the right amount of warmth in imbibers as they step into their local watering hole. Make it a point to visit the Summit Brewing website for additional information about the brewery’s efforts (year-round and season) as well as further information about the sheer amount of work that goes into the creation of these efforts.

Rating: 9.0/10

Hop Silo Double IPA / Unchained Series Batch 18 / Summit Brewing / 8.3% ABV /

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