Posted on: May 28, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

There are a wide variety of different mouse pads that are currently on the market but a great many of these mouse pads are not done with any sort of rigid quality control or other concern for the ergonomics of those that are using it. The Feenix Dimora mouse pad is the first that we have received that does not try to be cute or otherwise design things in a purely visual way. This means that the Feenix Dimora is designed with a very classic look in mind taking a square pad and embellishing it to work perfectly on any sort of gaming or desktop rig.


There is enough in the way of roughness to the Dimora that individuals will be easily able to get to any point one their monitor. No matter whether one uses a traditional old school style mice with ball on it or if they are using a wireless or infrared device the Feenix Dimora mouse pad is able to shine admirably. I like the fact that the company uses a more rigid grade of plastic for this mat as it seems that it can withstand much more heavy usage than a great deal of the offerings that are currently on the market. Make sure to visit the company website at for more information about their collections as the company releases their take on office essentials like mouse pads and keyboards. For our money we really appreciated the fact that it could stand up to office wobble beatings from multiple workers for years without the slightest in wear. Expect to spend about $35 to $40 for your own Dimora mouse pad.

Rating: 9.0 / 10

Feenix Dimora Mouse Pad /

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